

Posted by Emma Heisig and Logan Martin on October 07, 2023 · 1 min read

This week we researched ways to gather data for the Triangle Trails. In addition to this, we emailed our mentors and customers to ask them what resources might be available to us.

UVA Link Lab (specifically, ORCL/Oracle Lab):

  • Mobile eye-tracking glasses: equipped with video, these track eye movements to gather data on attention.
  • Smartwatches: largely used for monitoring heart rate, but should be able to track other physical quantities.
  • Light sensor: measures light levels in lux (lx). One lux is equal to one lumen per square meter.
  • Air quality sensor: AirBeam sensor, a handheld “instrument that measures hyperlocal concentrations of harmful microscopic particles in the air, known as particulate matter, as well as humidity and temperature” (HabitatMap.com).

City of Charlottesville Department of Transportation:

  • Pyroelectric infrared sensor: “Pyroelectric detectors are thermal detectors: Temperature fluctuations produce a charge change on the surface of pyroelectric crystals, which produces a corresponding electrical signal. This temperature gradient can be created by the absorption of light.” (LASERCOMPONENTS.com)
  • Pneumatic tubes: “Pneumatic road tube sensors send a burst of air pressure along a rubber tube when a vehicle’s tires pass over the tube. The pressure pulse closes an air switch, producing an electrical signal that is transmitted to a counter or analysis software. The pneumatic road tube sensor is portable, using lead-acid, gel, or other rechargeable batteries as a power source.” (FHWA.dot.gov)