

Posted by Emma Heisig and Logan Martin on October 30, 2023 · 1 min read

We researched what the city is doing regarding walking needs. The city has made route maps, crossing guards, and projects to make walking to school safer. However, these things mostly pertain to other schools and not CHS. Granted, the city states that CHS is about a 30-minute walk for most, and they recommend people use the city bus. They some info on how to go about doing that, which is great. From this, it seems there isn’t a large amount of walking needs at CHS, but our survey could tell us otherwise.

We contacted our customers, updating them on our survey efforts & our research. One of them suggested connecting with the PE teachers at CHS to do the following:

"..conduct a travel tally once a year where in class they ask students to raise their hands if they walk, bike, bus, etc... and then record the data manually. Or maybe yall [sic] could go in the PE classroom and do this with the permission of the school."

Not everyone at CHS is required to take PE, but are required to take English classes. On the 3rd, we reached out to the English department head at CHS in hopes of collaboration.